Monday, 21 December 2015

Supervision order

Ram Mohan <>

Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 1:44 PM
Fwd: Supervision order details

Dear sir,
We are receiving different cases of children and giving order for supervision to DCPO,DPO and NGOs in this  connection, we are sending a normal letter as on order .We need a specific format for supervision order please send us.

With regards
Dr Ch.Ramesh Babu
Chairperson –CWC
SPSR Nellore District

Supervision order - Format
Respected Sir,
Please find below Supervision order format for your kind reference

(See Rule 4(9) of APJJ (CPC) Rules 2003)
When the child is placed under the care of parent / guardian or other fit person
C.W.C. Case No: ____________________
Whereas (name of the child) _______________________________________________________ has this day been found to be neglected juvenile and has been placed under the care of (name)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________on executing a bond by the said CHILD WELFARE COMMITTEE, xxxxxx, xxxxxx district and the Committee is satisfied that it is expedient to deal with the said child by making an order placing him under supervision.
It is hereby ordered that the said child be placed under the supervision of ______________________
 ______________________ for a period of _______________ subject to the following conditions.
1.      That the child along with the copies of the order and the bond executed by the said ___________________________________________ will be produced before the probation Officer named therein.
2.      That the child will be submitted to the supervision of the Probation Officer.
3.      That the child shall reside at ___________________________________________________ for a period of ___________________________________
4.      That the child will not be allowed to quit the district jurisdiction of _____________________ without the permission of the Probation Officer.
5.      That the child will not be allowed to associated with bad characters.
6.      That the child will live honestly and peacefully; and will go to school regularly / Endeavour to earn an honest livelihood.
7.      That the child will attend the attendance centre regularly.
8.      That the person under whose care the child is placed will arrange for the proper care, education and welfare of the child.
9.      That the preventive measure will be taken by the person under whose care the child is placed to see that the child does not commit any offence punishable by any law in force in India.
10.  That the child will be prevented from taking narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or any other intoxicants
11.  That the directions given by the probation Officer from time to time, for the sue observance of the conditions mentioned above, will be carried out.
Dated this ____ day of ______2015

 Signature of Parent / Guardian / Fit person.                                            CHAIRPERSON
Child Welfare Committee


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