Monday, 21 December 2015

CMPOs as per Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006

From: bathula chinnaiah []
20 December 2015 19:30
To: Programme Officer - HELP
Child Marriage Details.

Dear Sir,
Recently CWC Kurnool district was received few  Child Marriage cases. We have approached few CMPOs to support about the issue but, did not get much support. In this connection, we would like to get clear details about Child Marriage Act and who were appointed as CMPOs in the district as per PCM Act, 2006.
Respected  Chenniah garu, Chairperson-CWC - Kurnool,
Thanks for the query and please find below details for your information.
CMPOs as per Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006
Child Marrriage represnts one of the worst forms of violence agianst any child, depriving her/him of a childhood, and pushing her/him into a phase of life for which they are not ready. It also deprives the child of all avenues for her/his own deelopoment such as education, health, choice in life ecisions etc. Such a child is a child in need of care and protection.
Section 2 of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006, defines child marriage as
marriage where either of the constracting parties is a child” child marriage is illegal under this Act and offenders are liable for punishment. For boys the age of marriage is 21 years and for girls it is 18 years.
Specific legislation pertaining to child marriages is: Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006:
All offences under this act are congnizable and non-bailable.
Appointmet of Child Marriage Prohibition Officers:
The Government of Andhra Pradesh, vide GO Ms. No. 13, Department for Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens Department Dated 19-3-2012, appointed the following Officers as “Child Marriage Prohibition Officers” (CMPO)
1.       The Distrit Collector of the concerned District is District CMPO
2.       Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) /Sub-Collector at the divisional level.
3.       The Child Development Project Officer (CDPOs) at the Project level covering 3-5 mandals which is under their jurisdiction.
4.       The Tahisldars at the Mandal level for the villages which are under their jurisdiction.
5.       The ICDS Supervisors at the Mandal level vovering their respective villages under their jurisdiction.
6.       The Panchayat Secretaries of the Panchayat Raj Department and Village Administrative Officers of Revenue Department at the Village level.

Thanking you,

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