Thursday, 31 December 2015

CWC is the competent authority in dealing with the cases of CNCP

From: K Manjula <>
Date: Thu, Dec 22, 2015 at 11:53 AM
To: <>  

Some NGOs who are working with children are taking own decision regarding the Care & Protection of children. Without approaching/Producing before CWC. In which way is it correct and how can CWC could be react in this regard?
Dear Madam,
We are thankful to you for your query and here below are the legislatory provisions according to JJ Act, 2000 that defines the necessity of approaching CWC in the matters of Children in need of Care and Protection Services.

CWC is the competent authority in dealing with the cases of CNCP
As per Sec 29 (1) of Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000 it is prescribed that, the state Government may by notification in Official Gazette, constitute Child Welfare Committee for every district or group of districts, specified in the notification for exercising the powers and discharge the duties conferred on such Committees in relation to child in need of care and protection under this Act.
Further under Sec 31 of JJ Act, 2000 the Powers of Committee have been described that, as per sub sec (1) The Committee shall have the final authority to dispose of cases for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of the children as well as to provide for their basic needs and protection of human right and Sub Sec (2) Where a Committee has been constituted for any area, such Committee shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force but save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, have the power to deal exclusively with all proceedings under this Act relating to children in need of care and protection.
In addition to the above, under Sec 32 of JJ Act, 2000 it is specified that, (1) any child in need of care and protection may be produced before the Child Welfare Committee.
By keeping in view of all above provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000 any NGOs or public spirited citizen, law enforcement authority or anybody shall produce/approach Child Welfare Committee in the matters as such related to children in need of care and protection services.

With best regards,

HELP – HOTLINE Resource Team 

Children homes under JJ Act,2000

Member – Child Welfare Committee,
Krishna Dist.

Dear Sir,
One of our NGO is going to set up a home for the children who are in need of care and protection. In this connection, he requested me to give few details about Home and its establishment. We are awaiting for the answer very soon.
Thanking you sir,

Dear Jayaraju Garu,
Thanks for your query with regard to setting up of children home. Please find below details as per JJ Act, 2000.
In accordance with Sec 34 of Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000 it is provided the necessary procedure for setting up the Children's homes.- as per Sec 34 (1) The State Government may establish and maintain either by itself or in association with the voluntary organisations, children's homes, in every district or group of districts, as the case may be, for the reception of child in need of care and protection during the pendency of any inquiry and subsequently for their care, treatment, education, training, development and rehabilitation.
As per Sec 34 (2) The State Government may, by rules made under this Act, provide for the management of children's homes including the standards and the nature of services to be provided by them, and the circumstances under which, and the manner in which, the certification of a children's home or recognition to a voluntary organisation may be granted or withdrawn.

With best regards,

HELP – HOTLINE Resource team 

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Legislatory provisions to admit children in child care institutions

From: M Kishore Kumar,
Member - Child Welfare Committee,
Prakasam Dist.

CWC బెంచ్ లో CNCP CASESS లో కొంతమంది చిల్డ్రన్ కు రీహాబిలిటేషన్ అవసరమైనప్పుడు , లాంటి చిల్ద్రెన్ ను homes refer చేచినపుడు Home డైరెక్టర్స్ /In charges CWC orders దిక్కరించి చైల్డ్ ను జాయిన్ చేసుకోవటం లేదు లాంటి సందర్బాలలో CWC వారి పై ఎలాంటి చర్యలు తీసుకోవచ్చును ?

Dear Mr Kishore garu,
This is in reference with your query with regard to the refusal by a NGO children home to admit the children in need of care and protection services that is too reference by the competent authority Child Welfare Committee of the District. Here below are few significant provisions in accordance with the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000 amend 2006 as well as JJ Model (National) Rules, 2007 for your reference and appropriate proceedings.
Legislatory provisions to admit children in child care institutions
Sec 34 of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 amend 2006.
Children's homes.- (1) The State Government may establish and maintain either by itself or in association with the voluntary organisations, children's homes, in every district or group of districts, as the case may be, for the reception of child in ne d of care and protection during the pendency of any inquiry and subsequently for their care, treatment, education, training, development and rehabilitation. (2) The State Government may, by rules made under this Act, provide for the management of children's homes including the standards and the nature of services to be provided by them, and the circumstances under which, and the manner in which, the certification of a children's home or recognition to a voluntary organisation may be granted or withdrawn.
Rule 71 of JJ Model (National) Rules 2007 Registration under the Act.? (1) All institutions and organisations running institutional or non-institutional care services for children in need of care and protection, whether run by the government or voluntary organization, shall get themselves registered under sub-section (3) of section 34 of the Act.

(2) All such institutions shall make an application together with a copy each of rules, bye-laws, memorandum of association, list of governing body, office bearers, balance sheet of past three years, statement of past record of social or public service provided by the institution or organization to the State Government, who shall after verifying that provisions made in the institution or organization for the care and protection of children, health, education, boarding and lodging facilities, if any, vocational facilities and scope of rehabilitation, may issue a registration certificate to such organization under sub-section (3) of section 34 of the Act and as per this rule.  

Rule 29 of JJ Model (National) Rules 2007 Children's Homes? (1) The State Government itself or in association with voluntary organizations, shall set up separate homes for children in need of care and protection, in the manner specified below-

(a) All children’s homes shall be registered as child care institutions under sub-section (3) of
Section 34 of the Act and rule 71 of these rules;
(b) All children’s homes shall be certified as per the procedure laid down in rule 70;
(c) All children’s homes shall report to the concerned Committee about every child in need of care and protection received by them;
(d) Children of both sexes below ten years may be kept in the same home but separate facilities shall be maintained for boys and girls in the age group 5 to 10 years;

(e) Every children’s home shall include separate facilities for children in the age group of 0-5
years with appropriate facilities for the infants;
(f) Separate children's homes shall be set up for boys and girls in the age group 10 to 18 years;
(g) Children in the age group of 10 to 18 shall be further segregated into two groups of 10 to 15 years and 15 to 18 years.

(2) Each children home shall be a comprehensive child care center with the primary objective to promote an integrated approach to child care by involving the community and local Non- Governmental Organisations through the Management Committee set up under rule 55 of these rules and the District Child Protection Unit or State Child Protection Unit or the State Government shall make an annual performance review of functioning of the children’s homes.

Thanking you,

With best regards,

HELP – HOTLINE Resource Team

Monday, 21 December 2015


From: Poosarla Murali Krishna []
Sent: 19th December 2015 18:36
We the CWC Vizianagaram district. so many thanks for the previous guidence and support for the disposal of the children cases who are in need through your blog. Very recently we have approached with SJPU to send a child to another district, in this issue the SJPU has requested us to give an Escort Order from us. Please send if there is any format without fail.

P.Murali Krishna
Member - CWC

Respected Murali Krishna,
Here We’re sendig a format for Escort Order as per your need. This can be printed on your district CWC letter head.




Case No.                                                                                      In the matter of Boy/Girl Child
                                                                                             Aged about……………… years 
Date of Admission:                                                                     Taken Charge for custody Under Sec. 32                                                                                      of Juvenile Justice Act 2000/2006


The parents/guardians of the child are reported to be residing at:

He /She therefore is sent under proper police escort to the:

The Boy/Girl child be kept in the custody of the Superintendent, Observation Home / Children Home …………………………………………….. and the said Boy/Girl child be produced before the concerned Child Welfare Committee for further orders.

Pending Escort, the said Boy/Girl child shall remain in Children Home, ……………………The Sr. Inspector of Police, Police Station, …………………………. (district) shall positively make immediate escort arrangement within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order by him and send the said Boy/Girl child at aforesaid place.

Date this ………………………..….. day of ……………………………..

Child Welfare Committee,
………………………………. (District)

1. The Superintendent, ……………………………………….Name of home and district
2. …….....................................SJPU, ……………………………………district
3. Senior Inspectors of Police,…………………………………………………………… 
   Railway Police Station.

CMPOs as per Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006

From: bathula chinnaiah []
20 December 2015 19:30
To: Programme Officer - HELP
Child Marriage Details.

Dear Sir,
Recently CWC Kurnool district was received few  Child Marriage cases. We have approached few CMPOs to support about the issue but, did not get much support. In this connection, we would like to get clear details about Child Marriage Act and who were appointed as CMPOs in the district as per PCM Act, 2006.
Respected  Chenniah garu, Chairperson-CWC - Kurnool,
Thanks for the query and please find below details for your information.
CMPOs as per Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006
Child Marrriage represnts one of the worst forms of violence agianst any child, depriving her/him of a childhood, and pushing her/him into a phase of life for which they are not ready. It also deprives the child of all avenues for her/his own deelopoment such as education, health, choice in life ecisions etc. Such a child is a child in need of care and protection.
Section 2 of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006, defines child marriage as
marriage where either of the constracting parties is a child” child marriage is illegal under this Act and offenders are liable for punishment. For boys the age of marriage is 21 years and for girls it is 18 years.
Specific legislation pertaining to child marriages is: Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006:
All offences under this act are congnizable and non-bailable.
Appointmet of Child Marriage Prohibition Officers:
The Government of Andhra Pradesh, vide GO Ms. No. 13, Department for Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens Department Dated 19-3-2012, appointed the following Officers as “Child Marriage Prohibition Officers” (CMPO)
1.       The Distrit Collector of the concerned District is District CMPO
2.       Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) /Sub-Collector at the divisional level.
3.       The Child Development Project Officer (CDPOs) at the Project level covering 3-5 mandals which is under their jurisdiction.
4.       The Tahisldars at the Mandal level for the villages which are under their jurisdiction.
5.       The ICDS Supervisors at the Mandal level vovering their respective villages under their jurisdiction.
6.       The Panchayat Secretaries of the Panchayat Raj Department and Village Administrative Officers of Revenue Department at the Village level.

Thanking you,

Supervision order

Ram Mohan <>

Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 1:44 PM
Fwd: Supervision order details

Dear sir,
We are receiving different cases of children and giving order for supervision to DCPO,DPO and NGOs in this  connection, we are sending a normal letter as on order .We need a specific format for supervision order please send us.

With regards
Dr Ch.Ramesh Babu
Chairperson –CWC
SPSR Nellore District

Supervision order - Format
Respected Sir,
Please find below Supervision order format for your kind reference

(See Rule 4(9) of APJJ (CPC) Rules 2003)
When the child is placed under the care of parent / guardian or other fit person
C.W.C. Case No: ____________________
Whereas (name of the child) _______________________________________________________ has this day been found to be neglected juvenile and has been placed under the care of (name)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________on executing a bond by the said CHILD WELFARE COMMITTEE, xxxxxx, xxxxxx district and the Committee is satisfied that it is expedient to deal with the said child by making an order placing him under supervision.
It is hereby ordered that the said child be placed under the supervision of ______________________
 ______________________ for a period of _______________ subject to the following conditions.
1.      That the child along with the copies of the order and the bond executed by the said ___________________________________________ will be produced before the probation Officer named therein.
2.      That the child will be submitted to the supervision of the Probation Officer.
3.      That the child shall reside at ___________________________________________________ for a period of ___________________________________
4.      That the child will not be allowed to quit the district jurisdiction of _____________________ without the permission of the Probation Officer.
5.      That the child will not be allowed to associated with bad characters.
6.      That the child will live honestly and peacefully; and will go to school regularly / Endeavour to earn an honest livelihood.
7.      That the child will attend the attendance centre regularly.
8.      That the person under whose care the child is placed will arrange for the proper care, education and welfare of the child.
9.      That the preventive measure will be taken by the person under whose care the child is placed to see that the child does not commit any offence punishable by any law in force in India.
10.  That the child will be prevented from taking narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or any other intoxicants
11.  That the directions given by the probation Officer from time to time, for the sue observance of the conditions mentioned above, will be carried out.
Dated this ____ day of ______2015

 Signature of Parent / Guardian / Fit person.                                            CHAIRPERSON
Child Welfare Committee


Saturday, 19 December 2015

Information on Recent Changes among DCPU pattern

From: tnsnehan []
Sent: 05 December 2015 13:12
DCPU Roles and Responsibilities.

Respected Sir

Child Protection support  విషయంలో పశ్చిమ గోదావరి జిల్లాలోని DCPU వారు కోరుతున్న ప్రకారం. కొత్తగా Government  of Andhra Pradesh రాష్ట్ర మహిళా అభివృద్ధి శిశు సంక్షేమ శాఖా ప్రిన్సిపాల్ సెక్రటరీ వారు జిల్లా బాలల రక్షణ శాఖకు సంబంధించి ఇటీవల జారీ  చేసిన మెమో ప్రకారం జిల్లా బాలల రక్షణ శాఖను  రెండు బాగాలుగా చెసియున్నరు. వేరు చేయబడిన వారు ఎవరి పరిధిలో పనిచెయ్యలి. అలాగే వారికి అధారిటిగా  ఎవరు వ్యవహరిస్తారు. వీరికి ప్రత్యేకంగా ఆఫీసు ఏమైనా ఏర్పాటు చేస్తారా?. వీరి యొక్క విధులు విధానాలు ఏమిటి.

Chairperson,CWC,West Godavari 
State Convener,NACG/SAIEVAC of AP Chapter
General Secretary,District Forum for Child Rights
General Secretary, Child Labour Eradication NGOs Network
West Godavari District
Andhra Pradesh,India

Memo No. 871. P Prog. 1/A1/2015. 3 Dated 21-11-2015

Sub: Deptt. for WCD&CSs – the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India New Delhi. W.P (Civil) No. 473/2005 filed by Sampurna Behrua Vs UOI & otheers orders dated 11-09-2019 – Directorns for filing up the certain vacant posts – Reg.
Ref:    1. From the Secretary to GOI, Ministry of W&CD, New Delhi D. No. 6-8/2009 – CW-II . dt 21-09-2015 & 02-11-2015
2. Letter No 871-P/Prog. 1/A1/2015-2 Dt. 13-11-2015
3. From the Director JWCS&WSC AP. Hyd Lr. No. 2/100/2015 Dated 18-11-2015.
The attention of the Director Women Development and Child Welfare Department, A. P. Hyderabad is invited to the reference 3rd cited (copy Enclosed) and he is requested to examine the ICPS revised guidelines and take necessary action to tgransfer the posts of one Legal Probation Officer, One Protection Officer (Institutional Care) One Counselor, One Outreach Worker, One Social Worker and one Data Entry OIperator (OR) Data Analyst to the department for Juvenile Welfare Correctional Services and Welfare of Street Children for effective implementation of the provision under Juvenile Justice Act and to attach one Probation Officer to each Juvenile Justice Board in the District level as per the directions of the Hon’ble Court and also requested to issue necessary financial allocations under recurring expenditure of District Child Protection Unit while transfering the above proposed posts to Juvenile Welfare department to meet the payment of salaries and other eligible allowances. 

పైన తెలియజేసిన మేమో ప్రకారం ప్రస్తుతం Dept. of Juvenile Welfare వారు  చెప్పబడిన వ్యక్తులను  జిల్లాల వారీగా సమీకరించడం జరుగుచున్నది. DCPU నుండి వెళ్ళిన సదరు వ్యక్తులు ఆయా జిల్లాల ప్రొబేషన్ ఆఫీసరు ఆద్వర్యంలో పని చేయవలసి ఉండును.  క్రొత్తగా రాబడే వారి కొరకు విధులు, విధి విధానాల కొరకు జాబ్ చార్ట్ తయారు చేయడం జరుగుచున్నది.  ఇప్పటివరకైతే ప్రత్యేకంగా ఆఫీసులను కేటాయించడం జరగలేదు. మరికొన్ని సమాచారాలు తెలియవలసి వున్నది.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Police Proceedings in POCSO Act-2012

From: Macharara Raju []
Sent: 12 December 2015 18:13
Subject: About Pocso Cases Police Proceedings

 పోక్సో  యాక్ట్  క్రింద నమోదైన  కేసుల  విషయంలో పోలీసు వారు చేయదగిన అంశాలు ఏమిటి?

మీ ప్రశ్నకు సమాధానం:
POCSO చట్టం అనేది బాలలపై లైంగిక దాడులకు సంభందించిన నేరాల నుండి రక్షణ కల్పించేందుకు, వీటికి సంబంధించిన ఇతర వివరాలతో సహా రూపొందించబడిన సమగ్రమైన చట్టం. పోక్సో యాక్ట్ (బాలలపై లైంగిక  నేరాల నుండి బాలలను రక్షించే చట్టం) క్రింద నమోదైన  కేసు విషయంలో పోలీసు వారు చేయదగిన అంశాలు.
·         Rule 4 (2) ప్రకారం లైంగిక వేదింపులకు సంబంధించి ఫిర్యాదులను పోలీస్ అధికారులు నమోదు చేసుకొని విచారణ చేపట్టాలి. లేదా జరిగినట్లు ఆరోపణలు అందిన వెంటనే ఆ బాదితులను సందర్శించి వారి ఫిర్యాదులను తీసుకోనవలయును.
(Section 21 (1) ప్రకారం ఫిర్యాదు అందిన వెంటనే కేసు నమోదు చేయకున్నా లేదా పై అధికారుల దృష్టికి తేకున్నా 6 నెలల జైలు శిక్షతో పాటు జరిమానా లేదా రెండూ విధించవచ్చును.)
·         Section 19 (2) ప్రకారం ప్రతి కేసు తప్పనిసరిగా జనరల్ డైరీ నమోదు చేయవలయును
·         Section 19 (2) ప్రకారం జనరల్ డైరీ లో నమోదు చేయబడిన కేసు పూర్తి వివరాలు తప్పక చూడవలెను. రిజిస్టరులో నమోదు చేయవలయును.
·         Rule 4 (a) చట్టప్రకారం FIR ను రూపొందించి, తగిన సెక్షన్లు నమోదు చేయవలయును.
·         Rule 4 (2)(a) FIR కాపీని ఉచితంగా ఫిర్యాదీకి అందించాలి.
·         Cr. Pc. 164 (a)  ప్రకారం వెంటనే వైద్య పరీక్షలు అందించాలి.
·         Section 19 (5) ప్రకారం CWC కి తెలియపరచి ఆదేశాల మేరకు రక్షిత గృహానికి తరలించాలి.
·         Section 24 (1) ప్రకారం బాదిత బాలలను పోలీస్ స్టేషనుకు తీసుకు రాకూడదు వారి ఇంటివద్దకే వెళ్ళాలి.
·         Section 19 (6) ప్రకారం POCSO చట్టపరిధిలో నమోదు చేయబడిన కేసులను 24 గంటలలోపుగా CWC ముందుకు తప్పక తీసుకురావలయును.
·         Section 24 (1) ప్రకారం ఎస్. ఐ. లేదా అంతకంటే పై అధికారి మాత్రమే ఈ చట్టం క్రింద నమోదు చేయబడిన కేసులను దర్యాప్తు చేయాలి.
·         Section 24 (2) యూనీఫారం ధరించరాదు.
·         Section 24 (4) ఎట్టి పరిస్తులలోనైనా బాలలను పోలీస్ స్టేషన్ లో రాత్రులలో ఉంచరాదు.
·         Section 26 (4) ప్రకారం సంబందిత సహాయకుల సమక్షంలో బాలల బామ్గ్మూలాన్ని దృశ్య, శ్రవణ విధానాల్లో రికార్డింగ్ చేయవలయును. బాలల కుటింభికుల సమక్షంలోనే జరగాలి.

మరిన్ని ఇతర వివరాలకై తప్పక చూడండి.