Saturday 18 April 2015

child marriage case

From: CWC Kurnool []
Sent: 18 April 2015 19:38
To: ''
Cc: 'HELP - Ongole'
Subject: suggestion for child marriage case

Respected Sir,

We are from the CWC of Kurnool district. This is reference to a child marriage where a girl has been rescued and the case brought to the notice of CWC. Here, while going through the formal examination of the case it is found two difference ages for the rescued girl as per records. First one is as per the panchayath birth registration certificate that defines the age of the girl is 19 years. It is fit with the records at Anganwadi centre where the child got educated and accessed services during her tender age.

Whereas the  school certificate of the girl shown 17 years only. When the parents asked for their explanation, they told that, they belongs to a poor family from rural background and they have joined their girl in to school at some late years during her childhood. In this situation, what is the testimonial determination for the age of the girl to be taken in to consideration of CWC for further proceedings in this case?

We request you to please clarify the above issue at an earliest possible.

Thanking you sir,

With regards,

CWC – Kurnool.


Respected Sir,

Thanks for seeking our assistance and clarification for the age determination issue in a child marriage case. In fact, it is always deserved to take in to the consideration of Birth Registration Certificate of a Child in any issue and also during all other normal situations. If Birth Certificate is not available in any case, then only we will take the school certificate in to consideration. Anyhow, it would better to instruct DPO or DCPU staff for social investigation at the girl’s native place and where she is residing at present. But, finally Birth Certificate is the main proof for determination of age.

This is for your information,

With best regards,

Ram Mohan NVS

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