Tuesday, 30 June 2015

response AG Auditors from CWC Eluru

Mrs. K. Bharathi,
Senior Audit Officer,
Office of the Principal Accountant General
(General & Social Sector Audit)
Andhra Pradesh &Telangana state

            SUB: - Submission of response to your letter-Reg.,
            REF: - PAG (G&SSA)/SGS-40/JJ(C&P) 2015-16/AE No.43, DT: 24-06-2015

The Govt. of Andhra Pradesh has not formulated any rules though it is empowered to make rules under Sec 68 of JJ Act, 2000 and has not issued any memo for application of JJ Model rules, 2007 conferred by the Ministry of Women & Child Development, Govt. of INDIA. Hence 2003 rules are applying and in any such circumstances wherever necessary the CWCs are following 2007 model rules.

In continuation, the state Government has not appointed any coordinator for CWCs under any provision of JJ (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 amend 2006. So, we don’t know who is coordinator in the shelter home and the existing CWC is appointed in Mar 2014 only so, we don’t know about the details of sittings in the year 2012.

1. As per criteria, it is prescribed that, the CWC may conduct up to 12 sittings per month based on the necessity otherwise government shall may have financially lose its budget allocated for the said cause. Hence, it is restricted up to 12 sittings but not 12 sittings.

2. Rule 24 (5) of JJ Model Rules, 2007 the CWC members including chairperson quorum is sufficient with ¾ attendances are per year.

3. As mentioned above, we don’t have any written correspondence by the authorities about coordinator for CWC. Now only we came to know about this issue and we are keeping records with the support of Data Entry Operator (DEO).

4. With regard to quorum for sittings, the quorum is assembling with Chairperson and two members and rest of the two members are not attending to sittings. This information directly informed to the Director and also Deputy Director of Dept of Juvenile Welfare, Correctional services and Welfare of Street Children, Govt. of A.P over phone and also through letter correspondence but no action or appropriate directions received by the said authorities.

5. We are conducting sittings of CWCs in division wise in our district as per the resolution taken during our sitting conducted on 5th March 2014. According to the adhered resolution by the members under 14 A, we have started conducting CWC sittings at Govt. Children Home for Boys at Eluru, Church of Christ Children home at Bhimavaram and at the shelter home in Kovvur. While the things were going on a like, we were temporarily obstructed conducting division wise sittings as mentioned above in the month of April 2014 due to heavy hot in summer. Again on 9th Jun 2014, we have had a meeting and proposed to re-start the division wise sittings like earlier and were agreed to the resolution accordingly. At this moment, 2 women members of CWC are favorable to division wise sittings where as two male members in the CWC are proposed against to the resolution and rejected to continue division wise sittings with a strong demand. At that moment, I have supported being a chairperson of CWC and as per Sec 30 (3) of JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 to continue with the division wise sittings as per earlier resolution in view of accessibility and availability of CWC to maximum possible children in need of care and protection services across the district.

In this connection, we are conducting division wise sittings on every Monday and Saturday at Eluru, on every Wednesday at Kovvur. Later, during the sitting on 26th Nov 2014, the members expressed the need of conducting sitting at Jangareddy gudem where there are tribal populations. And hence, a resolution taken with 4 members’ quorum for conducting a sitting on every Saturday and are conducting in the same way accordingly.
6. CWC is court as per the definition of Sec 2(1) Legal Services Authorities Act and is not maintained any suggestion box. Home staff are maintaining complaint and suggestion box for children in the home.

This is for your information,

With best regards,

 Child Welfare Committee

West Godavari District

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