Friday, 30 September 2016

State Child Protection Society Functions.

From:  [mail from:]
Sent: Friday, September23, 2016 10:42 AM
Subject:   State Child Protection Society Functions.

Respected Rammohan Garu,
What are the functions of State Child Protection Society?

Thanking you,
 Your’s sincerely, 
District Child Protection Officer,
 DCPU-Visakhapatnam Dist.

Respected Mr. Satyanarayana,
Please find few details below as per your Mail. 

As per Central Rule 84 of Juvenile Justice Act-2015.

State Child Protection Society.- (1) The State Child Protection Society shall perform the following Functions namely:

     I.        Overseeing the implementation of the Act and the rules framed there under in the State and supervision and monitoring of agencies and institutions under the Act;
   II.        Addressing road-blocks, issues, complaints received regarding care and protection of children;
  III.        Ensure that all institutions set up under the Act and the rules are in place and performing their assigned duties;
 IV.        Reviewing reports received from various District Child Protection Units on the functioning of institutions in various districts and take action to facilitate the protection of children wherever necessary and monitoring the functioning of the District Child Protection Units;
  V.        Develop programmes for foster care, sponsorship and after-care;
 VI.        Inquire into, seek reports and make recommendations in cases of death or suicide in Child Care Institutions and under other institutional care;
VII.        Ensure inter-department coordination and liaising with the relevant departments of the State and Central Governments and State Child Protection Societies of other States or Union Territories;
VIII.        Networking and coordinating with civil society organisations working for the effective implementation of the Act and the rules;
 IX.        Maintaining a state level database of all children in institutional care and family based non institutional care and updating it on a quarterly basis;
  X.        maintaining a database of Child Care Institutions, Specialised Adoption Agencies, open shelters, fit persons and fit facilities, registered foster parents, sponsors, after care organisations and other institutions at the State level;
 XI.        maintaining a database of medical and counselling centres, de-addiction centres, hospitals, open schools, education facilities, apprenticeship and vocational training programmes and centres, recreational facilities such as performing arts, fine arts and facilities for children with special needs and other such facilities at the State level;
XII.        monitoring and administering the Juvenile Justice Fund set up by the State Government including disbursal of funds to the District Child Protection Units, Special Juvenile Police Units and police stations, as the case may be;
XIII.        maintaining separate accounts for all funds received by the State Child Protection Society such as the Juvenile Justice Fund, funds under Schemes of Central and State Government and getting the same audited;
XIV.        generate awareness among public on various aspects of the Act and the rules made there under specifically the existing institutional framework, rehabilitation measures, penalties, procedures for better protection of children;
XV.        organise and conduct programmes for the implementation of the Act including training and capacity building of stakeholders;
XVI.        commission research programmes on child protection;
XVII.        co-ordinate with State Legal Services Authority and law schools; and
XVIII.        any other function for the effective implementation of the Act and the rules made there under.
(3) The Member- Secretary of the State Child Protection Society shall be the Nodal Officer in the State for the implementation of the Act and the rules.

 Please follow Central Rules more details.  
Thanking you.

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