Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Gist of Constitutional Provisions.

From: [mailfrom: []
Sent: 14 April 2016 8:13 PM
To: Program Manager - HELP
Subject: .
Gist of Constitutional Provisions.

Respected sir,

Can you give few details about constitutional provisions on child rights?

Ropes India. TN.

The Constitution of India recognises the vulnerable position of children and their right to protection.

Article 21A:
Free and compulsory education for all children from the age of 6 to 14 years

Article 24:
No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or in any other hazardous employment.

Article 39:
The State shall ensure that the tender age of children is not abused; children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and under conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and youth are protected against exploitation.

Article 45:
Early childhood care and education to all children until they complete the age  of six years.

Article 23:
Traffic in human beings and forced labour are prohibited.

National Policies
National Charter for Children, 2003 - The National Charter for Children promises to protect the right of every child to enjoy a happy and secure childhood. In partnership with the community, the State will provide support in the form of shelter, education, food and recreation for abandoned and street children. The State will protect children from economic exploitation and from doing work that is hazardous to their health and well being. It will regulate the conditions of work in non-hazardous sectors, but aim towards total ban on all forms of child labour. The State shall protect children from neglect, maltreatment, injury, trafficking, sexual and physical abuse of all kinds, physical punishment, torture, exploitation, violence and degrading treatment, Legal action shall be taken against the abusers even if they are the legal guardians of such children. Child victims shall be identified, protected, cared for, counselled and rehabilitated. The State shall also protect children from being used for illegal activities such as drug trafficking, begging, prostitution, pornography and violence. The State shall take steps for the eradication of crimes and atrocities committed against the girl child, including child marriage, discriminatory practices, forcing girls into prostitution and trafficking. Every child has the right to a family. In case of separation of children from their families, priority would be given to reunifying the child with its parents, unless it is against the best interest of the child. All procedures relating to children - judicial, administrative, educational or social - should be child friendly.


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