Thursday, 11 February 2016

Role and responsibilities of Inspection Committees

Date: Tue, 5, 2016 at 11:58 AM
Subject: Roles and Responsibilities of IC
To: <>  

Dear Sir,

This is Narasimharao, Member - Inspection Committee of Prakasam district, Please give information regarding Role and Responsibilities of IC. We are awaiting for the answer very soon.
Thanking you sir,
Dear Narasimharao garu , Thank  you very much for asking the question.

Role and responsibilities of Inspection Committees
Juvenile Justice (Care & protection of Children) Act, 2000 amend 2006

Section 35. Inspection. –
1)      The State Government may appoint inspection committees for the children’s homes (hereinafter referred to as the inspection committees) for the State, a district and city, as the case may be, for such period and for such purposes as may be prescribed.

2)      The inspection committee of a State, district or of a city shall consist of such number of representatives from the State Government, 1[xxxxx], Committee, voluntary organizations and such other medical experts and social workers as may be prescribed.

Rule 63. Inspection. –
1)      The State Government shall constitute State, District or city level inspection committee on the recommendation of the Selection Committee constituted under Rule 91 of these rules.
2)      The inspection committees shall visit and oversee the condition in the institutions and appropriateness of the processes for safety, well being and permanence, review the standards of care and protection being followed by the institutions, look out for any incidence of violation of child rights, look into the functioning of the Management Committee and Children’s Committee set up under rules 55 and 56 of these rules and give appropriate directions.
3)      The team shall also make suggestions for improvement and development of the institution.
4)      The team shall consist of a minimum of five members with representation from the State Government, the Board or Committee, the State Commission for the Protection of Child Rights or the State Human Rights Commission, medical and other experts, voluntary organizations and reputed social workers.
5)      The inspection shall be carried out at least once in every three months.
6)      The inspection visit shall be carried out by not less than three members.
7)      The team may visit the institutions either by prior intimation or make a surprise visit.
8)      The team shall interact with the children during the visits to the institution, to determine their well-being and uninhibited feedback.
9)      The follow up action on the findings and suggestion of the children shall be taken by all concerned authorities.
10)  The action taken report, findings and suggestions from the Inspection Committee shall be sent to the District Child Protection Unit and the State Government.

Rule 55. Management Committee.―
1.      Every institution shall have a Management Committee for the management of the institution and monitoring the progress of every juvenile and child.
2.      In order to ensure proper care and treatment as per the individual care plans, a juvenile or child shall be grouped on the basis of age, nature of offence or kind of care required, physical and mental health and length of stay order.
3.      The Management Committee shall consist of the following personnel:

District Child Protection Officer (DCPUnit)                               - Chairperson
Officer-in-charge/ Suptd                                                           - Member-Secretary
Probation Officer or Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker      - Member
Medical Officer                                                                        - Member
Psychologist or Counsellor                                                       - Member
Workshop Supervisor or Instructor in Vocation                        - Member
Teacher                                                                                   - Member
Social Worker Member of JJB or CWC                                  - Member
A juvenile or child representative from each of the Children’s
Committees (on a monthly rotation basis to ensure
representation of juveniles or children from all age groups)        - Member

4.      In the districts where District Child Protection Unit is not constituted the District Magistrate or Collector or his nominee shall be the Chairperson of this Committee.
5.      Where voluntary organizations are involved in providing professional and technical services like education, vocational training, psychosocial care, mental health intervention and legal aid the Management Committee may invite a representative of such voluntary organizations as a special invitee to the Management Committee meetings.
6.      (a) The Management Committee shall meet every month to consider and review―
                    i.      custodial care or care in the institution, housing, area of activity and type of supervision or interventions required;
                              ii.            medical facilities and treatment;
                            iii.            food, water, sanitation and hygiene conditions;
                             iv.            mental health interventions with the juveniles and children;
                   v.       individual problems of juveniles and children, provision of legal aid services and institutional adjustment, leading to the quarterly review of individual care plans;
                             vi.            vocational training and opportunities for employment;
                           vii.            education and life skills development programmes;
                         viii.            social adjustment, recreation, group work activities, guidance and counseling;
                      ix.            review of progress, adjustment and modification of residential programmes to the needs of the juveniles and children;
                        x.            planning post-release or post-restoration rehabilitation programme and follow up for a period of two years in collaboration with aftercare services;
                             xi.            pre-release or pre-restoration preparation;
                           xii.            release or restoration;
                         xiii.            post release or post-restoration follow-up;
                         xiv.            minimum standards of care, including infrastructure and services available;
                           xv.            daily routine;
                         xvi.            community participation and voluntarism in the residential life of children such as education, vocational activities, recreation and hobby;
                       xvii.            oversee that all registers as required under the Act and rules are maintained by the institution, check and verify these registers, duly stamped and signed in the monthly review meetings;
                     xviii.            matters concerning the Children’s Committees;
                         xix.            any other matter which the Officer-in-Charge may like to bring up.

(b)   The officer-in-charge or child welfare officer shall file a quarterly progress report of every juvenile or child in the case file and send a copy to the District Child Protection Unit and Board or Committee, as the case may be.

7.      The Management Committee shall set up a complaint and redress mechanism in every institution and a Children’s Suggestion Box shall be installed in every institution at a place easily accessible to juveniles and children away from the office set up and closer to the residence or rooms or dormitories of the children.
8.      (a) The Children’s Suggestion Box, whose key shall remain in the custody of the Chairperson of the Management Committee, shall be checked every week by the Chairperson of the Management Committee or his representative from District Child Protection Unit, in the presence of the members of the Children’s Committees.

(b)   If there is a problem or suggestion that requires immediate attention, the Chairperson of the Management Committee shall call for an emergency meeting of the Management Committee to discuss and take necessary action
(c)    The quorum for conducting the emergency meetings shall be five members, including two members of Children’s Committees, Chairperson of the Management Committee, Member of Committee or the Board as the case may be and the Officer-in-Charge of the institution.
(d)   In the event of a serious allegation or complaint against the Officer-in-Charge of the institution, he shall not be part of the emergency meeting and another available member of the Management Committee shall be included in his place.
(e)   All suggestions received through the suggestion box and action taken as a result of the decisions made in the emergency meeting or action required to be taken shall be placed for discussion and review in the monthly meeting of the Management Committee.
9.      A Children’s Suggestion Book shall be maintained in every institution where the complaints and action taken by the Management Committee are duly recorded and such action and follow up shall be communicated to the Children’s Committees after every monthly meeting of the Management Committee.
10.  The Board or Committee shall review the Children’s Suggestion Book at least once in three months.

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