Monday, 6 June 2016

Punishment in Child Begging.

From:  [mail from: ] 
Sent: Friday, June3 2016 11:11 AM
Subject:  Punishment in Child Begging.

Respected sir,

Please give details about child employment & Begging and punishment including imprisonment. 
Yours sincerely

P. Vijaya Nirmala,
Child Welfare Committee,
West Godavari District. A.P. India.

Thank you for the query. Please find the details as per your need.

Section 24 Juvenile Justice Act- 2000 is saying as below:
Employment of Juvenile or Child for Begging
(1) Whoever employs or uses any juvenile or the child for the purpose or causes any juvenile to beg shall be punishable with may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.

(2) Whoever,  having the actual charge or, or control over, a juvenile or the child abets the commission of the offence punishable under sub-section (1), shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year and shall also be liable to fine.

Order Format for Declaring Child Legally free for Adoption.

from:  [mail from: : ] 
Sent Saturday, June 4, 2016 10:11 am

Subject: Order Format for Declaring Child Legally free for Adoption.

Sir,  Please give us a format about Adoption.
Thanking you sir,
K. R. Murthy, Member-CWC-Srikakulam.
Dear Ramana Murthy Garu,
Please find the below format for Declaring Child Legally free for Adoption as per SOP (JJ Act)



In the exercise of the powers vested in the Child Welfare Committee constituted under sub-section (1) of section 29 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000, the child …………….…………………………………. (name) born on ……………….........................................…. placed in custody of Specialized Adoption Agency………………………………………………………………(name and address)vide order No. ………………………………………………………., dt………….……… of the Child Welfare Committee, …………………..……………………. has been declared “legally free for adoption” on the basis of details furnished hereunder: (a) Intake case sheet of the biological mother submitted by the Social Worker of the Specialized Adoption Agency. (b) Document of Surrender executed by the parent (s) and surrender deed signed in the presence of the Committee under sub-rules ……………... of Rule…..……of these rules. (c) Declaration submitted by the Specialized Adoption Agency shall fulfill all conditions specified in Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 and the rules relating thereto and furnish a copy of the adoption decree /guardianship order in respect of the child, as may be required by the Committee and concerned

Department of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
Place……………… Chairperson/Member
Date:……………… Child Welfare Committee

Undertaking for completion by the Specialized Adoption Agency:
(i) I have read and understood Chapters III and IV of the Juvenile Justice (Care and protection of Children) Act 2000 and the rules thereunder and agree to abide/be bound by the same while placing the said minor in adoption.
(ii) I further declare that the particulars stated in the Declaration submitted by me on …………….……….. are true and correct. In case they are found to be false or incorrect, the Committee has the right to suspend this Release Order for …………………….. and ask for production of the minor before the Committee.




From: [mailfrom:] 
 5 June  2016 12:29 PM

Dear Sir,

 What Child Welfare Committee can do if the marriage has already taken place?

Thanking you,

Your’s faithfully ,
Inakonda Sarada,
CWC-YSR Kadapa District.

Child marriage represents one of the worst forms of violence against any child, depriving her/him of a childhood, and pushing her/ him into a phase of life for which they are not ready. It also deprives the child of all avenues for her/his own development such as education, health, choice in life decisions etc. Such a child is a child in need of care and protection.
Sec 2 of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006, defines child marriage as a marriage “where either of the contracting parties is a child.” Child marriage is illegal under this Act and offenders are liable for punishment. For boys the age of marriage is 21 years and for girls it is 18 years.

Specific legislation pertaining to child marriage Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006:

All offences under this Act are cognizable and non-bailable.

If the marriage has already taken place:

 In case the marriage has already taken place, then the first step of the CWC is to determine whether the person who is a party to marriage, is a child as defined under Sec.2 (k) of JJ Act.

CWC can order for verification of age as per Sec. 49 of the JJ Act.

The CWC then needs to determine whether the marriage in question took place or not. For determining both of the above, the CWC should rely on the findings of the police, report of Child Marriage Prohibition Officer and discussions with the child.
The CWC can check with the child if she was compelled into the marriage and give her information about her rights under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act to call for the marriage to be voidable and her right to maintenance and action against the party that was involved.
 Custody of the child:
After determining that the person in the marriage is a child i.e below 18 years and in need of care and protection, the CWC should take custody of the child, especially where the marriage is void. In a voidable marriage, especially where the child may be of almost 18 years, the CWC through the PO may call the parents who should be counseled and through community processes with the involvement of the NGOs and panchayat, and through the signing of a bond, the families can be brought to agree that the child will stay with her family till she completes the age of 18 years.
The CWC is also authorized to take any child born out of this marriage into their custody along with the minor biological mother. The CWC may take decisions regarding the mother and the child keeping in mind the best interest of both.
 Procedures in Family Court

While the other legal procedures in relation to a case of child marriage or custody of children born out of such marriages will take place simultaneously in the Family Court or the sessions court/High Court, the CWC will focus on the rehabilitation plan of the child rescued from marriage or the child out of such a marriage