Friday, 25 July 2014

World day Against Trafficking in persons 30th July 2014

Dear Friends,

You will be glad to learn that the World Day against Trafficking in Persons will be celebrated all over the World on 30th July 2014 and UNODC Civil Society team (of which NATSAP is a member) has taken the initiative in organizing this program. NATSAP will be celebrating the program with all its member NGOs covering 24 Districts of both Andhra & Telangana.

This day will be celebrated to “give hope” to show their solidarity with victims of human trafficking.

According to the 2012 UNODC Global Trafficking in Persons Report, based on data supplied by 132 countries:

27 per cent of all victims of human trafficking detected globally between 2007 and  2010 were children, up 7 percent from the period 2003 to 2006.

The vast majority of detected trafficked persons are women, accounting for 55 to 60 percent of victims detected globally.

Girls make up two thirds of all trafficked children. They constitute 15 to 20 per cent of the total number of all detected victims, including adults, whereas boys comprise about 10 percent.

We request all our NATSAP Members NGOs to organize rallies, painting/drawing competition, debate, symposium, seminar, workshop, media campaign, write articles in the local news papers, arrange programs with children / youths, cultural program on the theme of preventing and combating human trafficking specially child trafficking etc. You may choose one or more activities according to your choice or you may organize local events to observe the World Day Against Trafficking in persons on 30th of this month.   

we say thanks to the Terre des hommes Foundation & Terre des Hommes Netherlands for their immense support for printing of Posters and pamphlets on this occasion.  pl do intimate us who have not received posters & pamphlets in time. 

Please keep us informed of the programs organized and also ask the member NGOs in your respective Districts of your states to celebrate the day.

Together we can STOP Trafficking.

NB :  we are sending the wall posters & pamphlets through courier to your address.  and we here with attached the design of flex where you can use the name of our network NATSAP and the name of your organization. Please send us some photos and report of the events.  

Yours sincerely

Ram mohan NVS

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Model Final Order Format in the Case of Domestic labour & Girl child Abuse

Dear CWC members
as per the request of some of our CWC members we here with sending the model final order for rescued domestic labour including workplace abuse/exploitation.
if you need further clarifications pl contact through this blogg

 Model Final Order Format in the Case of Domestic labour & Girl child Abuse  
Child Welfare Committee, _______________ District
Date :
CWC Case No: CWC/

Petitioner ……………………………………
Respondent: Mr ……………………………………………..………….. & Ms ………………………………………
1.       Background of the Girl child: The Girl child,____________, is a bright and articulate _______year old. The Girl child’s mother is no more having died of cancer a year ago. The father Mr……………………………………. works as a barber and resides at ……………………….. The girl has an old sister, ……………………….., aged …………… years and an older brother, ……………………….. aged ………… years studying in a school at ……………………………. The girl was studying in class ………………………………………………….. School until ………….. when she was sent in employment.

2.       Girl child __________with employers, Mr …………………………………. And Ms. …………………………….: Mr.&Ms…………………………………………………………………………………..reside at …………………………………….. brought ______________ to Ongole on …………………………. to work at the residence of Mr ………………………….. and his wife Ms. …………………………………………. Other members in the family include ……………………………………… Mr. …………………………….. works with ……………………………….. while Ms. …………………………………………. Works with ……………………………… Minor _______ was not allowed to visit her family or go home …………………….. She was expected to do all domestic chores and look after the baby. In all, she worked for …………….. years …………. Months.

3.       Rescue of the Girl child by ……… child line/labour dept/DCPU/NGO/________ and Presentation before the CWC: in mid-______Month, ________ran away from the house of her employer after working for about 10 months. She took refuge in the house of a neighbor who called______child line/_________ and was rescued her on …………. and admitted her into their residential care facility. On ………………… she was presented before the CWC.

The minor girl seemed to have adjusted well to the routine at …………………………… On the childline/______/ social worker’s request, CWC handover the Girl child to the custody of ……………………. On dated ______for care and protection.

Inquiry by the Authority under the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of children), Act, 2000 amend 2006: The CWC inquired into the matter through DPO/DCPU/Childline/________

The employers Mr. ………………………………….& Ms. ………………………………….. are summoned before the CWC on …………………………….. and asked to give their statement. There is some conflict in the veracity of the statements made by the employers Mr ……………………… & Ms. ……………………………………….. to CWC about minor _______.
1.       Actual age of the Girl child : The age of the Girl child as assessed by medical practitioner Dr.……………………………… as around …………………………………….. years. The school transfer certificate states the age as ……………………. Mr…………………………….. have thus employed a minor for domestic work.

2.       Assessment of the Physical and Mental Development of the Girl child. At the time of rescue, …………………………….., the Girl child weighed ……………Kgs. and looked underfed. Since then, she has gained about …………….. kgs, in weight as of …………. . Though initially she appeared somewhat withdrawn and traumatized from the abuse experienced at her employers’ home, because of which she ran away, she has settled well into the child-friendly routine at …………… child line/NGO_________ facility and, in the company of other Girl children, has opened up and socializes well with peers and caretakers.

3.       Statement from the Girl child. The child’s day started at 6am. and ended at 10 pm., but she had to again wake up around 3am. as a relative of the employer used to return late from work and for whom she had to open the front door and later lock the gate. Her chores included helping in the kitchen, looking after the needs of a baby-including cleaning and feeding and keeping the bedding items clean. Her household chores included sweeping,

Swabbing and dusting five large rooms, carrying water from the outside tap to store in large vessels in the kitchen, washing the used dishes/plates, etc., bringing in the clothes put out to dry outside and folding them. Sometimes she was asked to take the baby for an outing to the nearby park. According to the Girl child’s statement, she used to be frequently abused, verbally and physically, by the employers and their older Girl child. They used to beat her with their hands, coat-hangers, or rolling-pin for any minor infringement. Further, she was literally starved and given only leftovers in the form of two meals a day during the 10 months she was employed.

4.       Statement of the father: The father Mr. ………………………….. has stated that he had placed his daughter in employment with Mr. ……………………………….. and Ms. …………………………………… and received an advance payment of Rs. …………………… at the time of placement 10 months earlier.

Issues for Consideration before the Authority:

Based on the inquiry made by the Child Welfare Committee, to ascertain the facts of the case and to determine the veracity of the statements made by the employers Mr. …………………………….. and Ms……………………………….. the following issues arise for consideration before the Authority:

Mr. ……………………………………. and Ms. ………………………………….. have violated the following provisions of these Acts:

The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Girl children) Act, 2000 amend 2006. They are guilty of Section 23 of the Act as they have subjected the Girl child to severe physical and mental abuse and cruelty. Section 26 of the JJA 2000/2006 is also applicable as the Girl child has been procured for employment and has not been paid any wages.

Indian Penal Code:  They have also physically abused the Girl child several times. They are liable under Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, for willfully causing grievous hurt.

Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, : They have the violated the provisions of this Act as the notification of 10th October 2006 categorises domestic work as hazardous work.


The CWC has, based on the facts of the case, conducted and inquiry and after giving an opportunity as per natural justice to the respondents to be heard as well as reviewing the material evidence produced before them, have passed the following orders:

1.       That the Girl child_____________ being only …… years of age, Mr………………………. and Ms……………………… have employed a minor as domestic help.

2.       Mr. …………………………… and Ms. ……………………………… are educated individuals and have willfully abused and exploited the Girl child. They have intentionally caused mental and physical suffering and cruelty to the Girl child. They have beaten her and caused her much trauma because of which she ran away from their home. She had not been given adequate food to eat.

3.       That Mr. …………………………………. And Ms…………………………… have, by paying a small sum of Rs.4000 to the father, literally used___________ as a full time “save” in their home to not only do all the household chores but also care for their home to not only do all the household chores but also care for their baby. They have thus exploited the services of a minor and have not paid her any wages.

4.       …………………………… childline/NGO________ facility is directed to file an FIR under Section 23 of the JJ (C&PC) A, 2000/2006 and relevant provisions of the IPC at the police station under whose jurisdiction the offence has been committed in order to investigate the matter further and bring to trail the abuse of______________ by the employers.

5.       That Mr. ……………………………… and Ms ……………………….. are liable to pay an amount of Rs…………… as back-wages for 8 hours of work and another 8 hours of overtime work each day for a period 10 months, as back wages to the child under the Minimum Wages Act 1948.


1.       For the purpose of clarity the Authority would like to state that Mr. ………………………. And Ms………………….. have violated Article 21 of the Constitution guaranteeing life and liberty to each person by  confining____________ in their home and compelling her to do household work and abusing her physically and mentally. They have violated article 39(e) and (f) of the Constitution of India by exploiting the tender age of the Girl child and prevented her development in a healthy manner and abused her Girl childhood. They are also guilty of violating the Girl child’s fundamental right to education as guaranteed under Article 21 A of the Constitution of India.

2.       India is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child 1989 and the same has been invoked in the preamble of the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Girl children) Act, 2000/2006. Articles 19, 28, 31, 32 & 36 of UN CRC and the principle of the ‘best interests of the Girl child’ (Art.3) have been severely breached in this case.

The Girl child Welfare Committee is absolutely shocked at the cruelty and insensitivity displayed by Mr……………………………… and Ms………………………………. It is also extremely worrying that both are educated individuals hailing from middle class families, yet they chose to exploit and abuse a minor girl for their own selfish interests.

It is expected that ………………………………. and …………………………….. employers of Mr…………………….. and Ms. …………………………… respectively impose severe punitive and penal action against the both of them.

Chairperson          Member                 Member              Member                  Member

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

proceedings to PD regarding children died in anganwadi center - East Godavari

RC. No. CWC/EG/1507/2014 Dated 15th Jul 2014

The Project Director,
Dist Women & Child Development Agency,
East Godavari District.

As you know very well that the Child Welfare Committee is also a court for the disposal of the cases of children below 18 years which is established by the Govt. of India under Sec 29(5) of Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act 2000, amend 2006. And this is to inform you that all the members in this committee are said to be a bench of magistrates with the powers of First Class Judicial Magistrates. Further, you know very well that, the committee has been equipped with the powers to facilitate the children in need of Care and Protection in terms of their development, care, treatment and rehabilitation under Sec 31 (2) of JJ Act 2000 r/w 2006.

Whereas the Child Welfare Committee is hereby came to know through a news paper dated ___of _____ (Month) ____ (Year) that ____ (Number) children have been died in an Anganwadi Center at ____________________ (village) __________________ mandal of East Godavari District. The CWC has taken the case as a sue motto and is hereby issued its proceedings seeking your written explanation in this regard along with a comprehensive inquiry report of the subject matter within a week period in the best interest of the children under Sec 33 (1) of JJ Act 2000 amend 2006.

Given under my hand with the seal of CWC dated this 15th day of Jul 2014.

proceeding to SJPU for issuing summons to MPDO - East Godavari

RC. No. CWC/EG/1507-A/2014 Dated 15th Jul 2014

The Inspector of Police,
Special Juvenile Police Unit,
East Godavari District.

As you know very well that the Child Welfare Committee is also a court for the disposal of the cases of children below 18 years which is established by the Govt. of India under Sec 29(5) of Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act 2000, amend 2006. And this is to inform you that all the members in this committee are said to be a bench of magistrates with the powers of First Class Judicial Magistrates. Further, you know very well that, the committee has been equipped with the powers to facilitate the children in need of Care and Protection in terms of their development, care, treatment and rehabilitation under Sec 31 (2) of JJ Act 2000 r/w 2006.

The Child Welfare Committee has issued proceedings to MPDO of __________________mandal, East Godavari Dist in a case dated ___ of ____ (Month) ____ (year) for violating rights of children. Since the CWC is a bench of magistrates as cited above conferred by the powers of a first class judicial magistrate, it is authorized to issue proceedings directing to attend any perpetrator before it as and when there is a violation of child rights and JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006. But, he has violated the JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 through deputing his subordinate to attend before CWC which is a competent authority and is a court.

Under Sec 54 of JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 which is the procedure in inquiries, appeals and revision proceedings, it is mentioned as per sub section (1) Save as otherwise expressly provided by this Act, a competent authority while holding any inquiry under any of the provisions of this Act, shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed and subject thereto, shall follow, as far as may be, the procedure laid down in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) for trials in summons cases. (2) Save as otherwise expressly provided by or under this Act, the procedure to be followed in hearing appeals or revision proceedings under this Act shall be, as far as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974).   

Hence, the CWC is hereby issued summons subject to the violation of JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 as well as the proceedings issued by CWC which directed him to attend before it with all the necessary information and progress on the actions to be taken in the said case as prescribed by CWC within 10 days of period.

It is further directed that, in case of his absence before CWC, it will take necessary action within the purview of JJ Act being a competent authority conferred by the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) on a Metropolitan Magistrate or, as the case may be, a Judicial Magistrate of the first class. 

So, the CWC is hereby directed the SJPU as per Chapter VI of Cr Pc under Sec 62 (Every summons shall be served by a police officer) and Sec 66 (service on government service may be on the head of the department) to serve the summons to said MPDO and directed to submit a copy of issued summons to CWC with due acknowledgment and with signature. 

Given under my hand with the seal of CWC dated this 15th day of Jul 2014.

 Encl: copy of summon 

Proceeding to MPDO, East Godavari dist

RC. No. CWC/EG/1507/2014 Dated 15th Jul 2014

East Godavari District.

As you know very well that the Child Welfare Committee is also a court for the disposal of the cases of children below 18 years which is established by the Govt. of India under Sec 29(5) of Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act 2000, amend 2006. And this is to inform you that all the members in this committee are said to be a bench of magistrates with the powers of First Class Judicial Magistrates. Further, you know very well that, the committee has been equipped with the powers to facilitate the children in need of Care and Protection in terms of their development, care, treatment and rehabilitation under Sec 31 (2) of JJ Act 2000 r/w 2006.

The Child Welfare Committee has issued proceedings in a case dated ___ of ____ (Month) ____ (year) for violating rights of children. Since the CWC is a bench of magistrates as cited above conferred by the powers of a first class judicial magistrate, it is authorized to issue proceedings directing to attend any perpetrator before it as and when there is a violation of child rights and JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006. But, you have violated the JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 through deputing your subordinates to attend before CWC which is a competent authority and is a court.

Under Sec 54 of JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 which is the procedure in inquiries, appeals and revision proceedings, it is mentioned as per sub section (1) Save as otherwise expressly provided by this Act, a competent authority while holding any inquiry under any of the provisions of this Act, shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed and subject thereto, shall follow, as far as may be, the procedure laid down in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) for trials in summons cases. (2) Save as otherwise expressly provided by or under this Act, the procedure to be followed in hearing appeals or revision proceedings under this Act shall be, as far as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974).   

Hence, the CWC is hereby issued summons subject to the violation of JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 as well as the proceedings issued by CWC which directed you to attend before it with all the necessary information and progress on the actions to be taken in the said case as prescribed by CWC within 10 days of period.

Otherwise the CWC will take necessary action within the purview of JJ Act being a competent authority conferred by the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) on a Metropolitan Magistrate or, as the case may be, a Judicial Magistrate of the first class.   

Given under my hand with the seal of CWC dated this 15th day of Jul 2014.

Cc: To The ZP CEO, East Godavari District,
      To The Honorable Dist Judge, Dist Court, East Godavari District
      To the District Legal Services Authority, East Godavari dist 

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Proceeding to DEO - East Godavari by CWC


RC.  No. CWC/EG/0714/14 Dated 07th Jul 2014

The District Education Officer,
East Godavari Dist.

As you know very well that the Child Welfare Committee is also a court for the disposal of the cases of children below 18 years which is established by the Govt. of India under Sec 29(5) of Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act 2000, amend 2006. And this is to inform you that all the members in this committee are said to be a bench of magistrates with the powers of First Class Judicial Magistrates. Further, you know very well that, the committee has been equipped with the powers to facilitate the children in need of Care and Protection in terms of their development, care, treatment and rehabilitation under Sec 31 (2) of JJ (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 r/w 2006.

The CWC is hereby cordially appreciating your responsibility for the submission of a report on the issue of reorganization to schools in the district. Further, CWC is pleased to clarify your doubt with regard to the powers and functions of Child Welfare Committee. In accordance with Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act 2000, amend 2006 the CWC can deal with the case of every child who is in need of care and protection and it can take any of the necessary steps such as surprise visits, inquiries under Sec 33 of JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 or issuing directions to police to book cases and so on by keeping in view of “in the best interest of the child” which is the fundamental principle of the said Act.

Sec 31 of JJ(C&P of Children) Act, 2000, amend 2006 is clearly defines the Powers of Committee as - (1) The Committee shall have the final authority to dispose of cases for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of the children as well as to provide for their basic needs and protection of human right . (2) Where a Committee has been constituted for any area, such Committee shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force but save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, have the power to deal exclusively with all proceedings under this Act relating to children in need of care and protection.

In this context, it is really ridiculous to say that, a district level authority who is heading the whole education system across the district is not aware of the powers of the committee which is a bench of magistrates with the powers of 1st class judicial magistrate and constituted by the state. Moreover, it is very sorry to say that, threatening the CWC over telephone and directly commenting with the chairperson that ‘the committee is worthless and not having any powers in children issues’  and so on is an absolute violation of JJ Act. In this situation, why the CWC can’t take necessary action and why doesn’t it complaint to your superior authorities to take further action against you?

Because, the CWC is having the powers Under Sec 54 of JJ Act 2000 amend 2006 the CWC is having powers for Procedure in inquiries, appeals and revision proceedings.(1)Save as otherwise expressly provided by this Act, a competent authority while holding any inquiry under any of the provisions of this Act, shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed and subject thereto, shall follow, as far as may be, the procedure laid down in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) for trials in summons cases. (2) Save as otherwise expressly provided by or under this Act, the procedure to be followed in hearing appeals or revision proceedings under this Act shall be, as far as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974).

Given under my hand with the seal of CWC dated this 07th Jul 2014

Cc: To The Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, East Godavari District,
      To The State Project Director, Rajiv Vidya Mission, Hyderabad.
      To The Members, State Commission for Protection of Child Rights
      To The Project Director, Dist Women and Child Development Agency, East Godavari Dist


Appreciation from CWC East Godavari

From: sivanadh yendamuri []
Sent: 09 July 2014 11:10
To: Programme Manager-HELP
Subject: Re: CWC letter to PD - 07.07.14

Dear Sri. Rama Mohan sir,

Thank you for your support for sending clarifications and necessary directions through cwcinap blog  to address the difficulties & challenges in our district while dealing with the cases of CNCP. The District officials are not aware about CWC powers and functions, hence all these disturbances in performing our day to day activities. I will  send these proceeding directed by you to the Project Director - DW&CDA and Dist Education Officer. I hope I will be receiving more support services & necessary directions from your organisation's Resource Centre. Thanks to HELP & Tdh Foundation Organization's team. 

My Sincere Regards,
Y. Satya sivanadh,
East Godavari District.

Y. Satya Sivanadh
Communication & Outreach Specialist

Proceeding to PD DW&CDA East Godavari dist


RC.  No. CWC/EG/0714/14 Dated 07th Jul 2014

The Project Director,
Dist Women and Child Development Agency,
East Godavari Dist.

As you know very well that the Child Welfare Committee is also a court for the disposal of the cases of children below 18 years which is established by the Govt. of India under Sec 29(5) of Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act 2000, amend 2006. And this is to inform you that all the members in this committee are said to be a bench of magistrates with the powers of First Class Judicial Magistrates. Further, you know very well that, the committee has been equipped with the powers to facilitate the children in need of Care and Protection in terms of their development, care, treatment and rehabilitation under Sec 31 (2) of JJ (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 r/w 2006.

The CWC is hereby come to know that, there is lot of misconceptions with regard to the powers and functions of CWC to you. And hence, the CWC is pleased to clarify your doubts with regard to the powers and functions of a Child Welfare Committee. In accordance with Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act 2000, amend 2006 the CWC can deal with the case of every child who is in need of care and protection and it can take any of the necessary steps such as surprise visits, inquiries under Sec 33 of JJ Act, 2000 amend 2006 or issuing directions to police to book cases and so on by keeping in view of “in the best interest of the child” which is the fundamental principle of the said Act.

Sec 31 of JJ (C&P of Children) Act, 2000, amend 2006 is clearly defines the Powers of Committee as - (1) The Committee shall have the final authority to dispose of cases for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of the children as well as to provide for their basic needs and protection of human right . (2) Where a Committee has been constituted for any area, such Committee shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force but save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, have the power to deal exclusively with all proceedings under this Act relating to children in need of care and protection.

In this context, it is really ridiculous to say that, a district level authority who is heading the whole development of women and welfare of children in the district to make propaganda against the CWC that it is not having any powers and is a nominal body constituted by the state government. It is an absolute violation of JJ Act. In this situation, why the CWC can’t take necessary action and why doesn’t it complaint to your superior authorities to take further action against you?

Because, the CWC is having the powers Under Sec 54 of JJ Act 2000 amend 2006 the CWC is having powers for Procedure in inquiries, appeals and revision proceedings.(1)Save as otherwise expressly provided by this Act, a competent authority while holding any inquiry under any of the provisions of this Act, shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed and subject thereto, shall follow, as far as may be, the procedure laid down in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) for trials in summons cases. (2) Save as otherwise expressly provided by or under this Act, the procedure to be followed in hearing appeals or revision proceedings under this Act shall be, as far as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974).

Given under my hand with the seal of CWC dated this 07th Jul 2014

Cc: To The Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, East Godavari District,
      To The Commissioner, Dept of Women Development and Child Welfare, Govt of AP.
      To The Principal Secretary, Dept of Women Development and Child Welfare, Govt of AP
      To The Members, SCPCR.


 (Names changed to maintain anonymity)